Live Thrive Atlanta

How Live Thrive Boosts the Health of Atlanta

Hazardous waste buildup and issues with recycling are major concerns for any major city, but something that’s particularly challenging for a highly populated location such as Atlanta Georgia. There are several companies and organizations dedicated to recycling and public health in the Live Thrive logoarea, but one of the most well-known and beneficial in the area is Live Thrive. The non-profit organization has been around since 2010 and is best known for regularly taking hazardous waste out of the community. On top of that, it’s responsible for educating the public about waste and recycling, for projects designed to beautify Atlanta and for connecting with the youth of the area in numerous initiatives. LiveThrive is a pretty major part of Atlanta and known by most local residents for one initiative after another.

Successfully Diverting Hazardous Waste

Most people know that hazardous waste shouldn’t be thrown away, but many simply don’t know what to do with it, and more often than not it ends up in landfills around the country. It’s a growing issue and something that must be addressed. That’s one of the biggest accomplishments that Live Thrive is known for.
The non-profit started a hazardous waste collection initiative in Atlanta back in 2010, the first of its kind. During the very first collection date, the organization met with over 500 different people and collected over 75,000 pounds of dangerous waste from landfills, waterways and other sensitive areas around Atlanta. Since the original date, there’s been seven more just like it, all bringing in an astonishing amount of hazardous waste that would otherwise go right out into the environment in one way or another.

CHaRM (Center for Hard to Recycle Materials)

CHaRM-logoThe highly successful hazardous waste events made it obvious how much of a need there is for hazardous waste collection in Atlanta. This realization by Live Thrive led to CHaRM, an all-time hazardous waste collection facility that takes in waste two times a week.
Since its inception, CHaRM has taken in more than 115,000 gallons of chemicals, more than 23,000 tires, over 250,000 gallons of paint, more than 319,000 lbs.1 of electronics and much more, making an obvious impact on the local environment for Atlanta.

Environmental Education

Environmental waste is a huge problem that cities all over the world are struggling with. Figuring out just how to handle these issues is proving challenging, but many experts believe that education about waste management is the way to go. After all, professional measures will never work if the general public doesn’t get involved with recycling and waste management. That’s why LiveThrive focuses so heavily on educating children and the general public about the importance of good waste management.
The organization is known for its awareness efforts and constantly adds new initiatives to help get its message out to people that need to know the importance of waste management. Representatives from Live Thrive head to schools to put on assemblies, to encourage projects, to challenge robotics teams to come up with recycling solutions, and to teach students in any way that they can, how to manage waste.

Live Thrive annual Eco Village project
Image courtesy of

Eco-Village Project

Live Thrive is also known for putting on the Eco Village project annually. The organization has been organizing the Atlanta Dogwood Festival Eco-Village for five years in a row now, and it’s an opportunity the organization uses to educate the public about recycling and taking care of the environment. At the event environmentally friendly products are showcased, along with rescue animals and information is given out about how to enhance the environment and your own health.
The organization also partners with local Boy and Girl Scout troops to offer badge incentives for recycling and other public work projects.

Beautifying Atlanta

Paint is notoriously difficult to recycle and very costly to do away with properly. Whenever possible Live Thrive reuses old paint, rather than going through the process of recycling it. This is a more environmentally friendly approach and a good solid strategy when you have thousands of gallons of paint to deal with.

Image courtesy of
Image courtesy of

Paint For The People

LiveThrive is responsible for a program known Paint For The People. It’s an initiative that encourages a number of public works painting projects around Atlanta. With some of the leftover paint that the company brings in, it repaints sections of Atlanta. Old fences, public buildings, walls coated with graffiti and anything else that needs a fresh coat of paint to look better is given that chance. The initiative helps do dispose of wasted paint, and it helps re-coat Atlanta communities in a fresh new layer.
All the community initiatives and the CHaRM facility by go a long way toward improving the health of downtown Atlanta. The organization is a major driving force in recycling and hazardous waste cleanup, and it’s a well-known establishment in the community.
If you would like to donate to Live Thrive, or learn more about this organization, visit their website here for more information.